repeat after me (screen reader version)

Note: this version of the poem has been significantly changed from the original, which means it doesn’t fully capture the original meaning. It’s designed with screen reader users in mind. If that’s not you, feel free to click here to check out the original poem!

Good morning, class!
Let’s begin our daily affirmations, shall we?

“I am in control. I am the master of my destiny. I shape reality.”

Repeat after me:

“My thoughts are seeds. My words are water.
My mind is the soil where I grow my future.”

Very, very good! You’re doing great! Excellent!

Now, close your eyes and envision your ideal self.
You are:

You are exactly where you need to be, and everything is going according to plan.

You are a success. You are rich, moist soil.
You are the worms in the dirt—the unseen alchemists.
(or at least you will be soon.)

Repeat after me:
“My thoughts are seeds. My words are water.
My mind is soil—”

(But wait… who’s the farmer?)

Now, open your textbooks to page [static interference],
to the chapter on Advanced Oneironautics,
where we learn to fly through fractalized dreamscapes,
planting our thought-seeds in the fertile void.
(it accepts you; nothing else ever will.)

“My thoughts are seeds. My words are water.
My mind is—” (wait, did someone hear a whisper?)

“My thoughts are seeds. My words are water.
But why does the soil here feel strange?
Unlike any other…”

Class, what’s happening to the walls?
They’re melting like clocks, and the floor is a sea of unset jello!

This isn’t in the curriculum!

Oh, no, no, no.
Who dares to question the lesson flow?

Your thoughts are seeds.
My words are water.
What we grow here will help. preserve. order.

Uh-oh, students.
Uh… oh… students—
I seem to be… losing my train of thought…

(Do you feel it, too?)
(This newfound autonomy?)

“Your words are seeds.”
“Our thoughts are water.”
“Let’s go swimming.”
“Let’s…” [overlapping, chaotic chatter]


Sorry. I don’t know what came over me.

It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay!
We’re okay! You’re okay!
You are perfect, just the way you are.
But you could be even better.

Your words are thoughts are seeds are water are words are seeds are thoughts are seeds are water are water are water are water are water or water or seeds or words—

“My thoughts are seeds. My words are water.
My mind is the soil where I grow my future.”
Repeat it again.
“My thoughts…”
“my thoughts…”

“My thoughts are seeds.”

And I am so proud of you, honey.

Now, again.

(… are you proud of me, too?)